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How to Add a Signer

As described in this section, a signer is an abstraction of private keys, which can be used to sign messages and transactions. A simple signer would be a single private key, while a complex signer is a wallet.

sCrypt provides the following signers by default:

  1. TestWallet : a simple wallet that can hold multiple private keys, with in-memory utxo management. Should only be used for testing.
  2. PandaSigner: a signer powered by the popular smart contract wallet Yours Wallet. Can be used in production.


Base Class Signer

If you want to implement your own signer, you must inherit from the base class Signer.

* A `Signer` is a class which in some way directly or indirectly has access to a private key, which can sign messages and transactions to authorize the network to perform operations.

* A `Signer` is a class which in some way directly or indirectly has access to a private key, which can sign messages and transactions to authorize the network to perform operations.
export abstract class Signer {

provider?: Provider;
readonly _isSigner: boolean;

constructor(provider?: Provider) {
this._isSigner = true;
this.provider = provider;

// Authentication

abstract getNetwork(): Promise<bsv.Networks.Network>;

* Check if the wallet has been authenticated
* @returns {boolean} true | false
abstract isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean>;

* Request wallet authentication
* @returns A promise which resolves to if the wallet has been authenticated and the authenticate error message
abstract requestAuth(): Promise<{ isAuthenticated: boolean, error: string }>;

* set provider
* @param provider The target provider.
* @returns
abstract setProvider(provider: Provider): void;

* @returns A promise which resolves to the public key of the default private key of the signer.
abstract getDefaultPubKey(): Promise<bsv.PublicKey>;

* @returns A promise which resolves to the address to the default private key of the signer.
abstract getDefaultAddress(): Promise<bsv.Address>;

* @param address The request address, using the default address if omitted.
* @returns The public key result.
* @throws If the private key for the address does not belong this signer.
abstract getPubKey(address?: AddressOption): Promise<bsv.PublicKey>;

// Signing

* Sign a raw transaction hex string.
* @param rawTxHex The raw transaction hex to sign.
* @param options The options for signing, see the details of `SignTransactionOptions`.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the signed transaction hex string.
* @throws If any input of the transaction can not be signed properly.
async signRawTransaction(rawTxHex: string, options: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<string> {
const signedTx = await this.signTransaction(new bsv.Transaction(rawTxHex), options);
return signedTx.toString();

* Sign a transaction object. By default only signs inputs, which are unlocking P2PKH UTXO's.
* @param tx The transaction object to sign.
* @param options The options for signing, see the details of `SignTransactionOptions`.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the signed transaction object.
async signTransaction(tx: bsv.Transaction, options?: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<bsv.Transaction> {


* Sign a message string.
* @param message The message to be signed.
* @param address The optional address whose private key will be used to sign `message`, using the default private key if omitted.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the signautre of the message.
abstract signMessage(message: string, address?: AddressOption): Promise<string>;

* Get the requested transaction signatures for the raw transaction.
* @param rawTxHex The raw transaction hex to get signatures from.
* @param sigRequests The signature requst informations, see details in `SignatureRequest`.
* @returns A promise which resolves to a list of `SignatureReponse` corresponding to `sigRequests`.
abstract getSignatures(rawTxHex: string, sigRequests: SignatureRequest[]): Promise<SignatureResponse[]>;

* Get the connected provider.
* @returns the connected provider.
* @throws if no provider is connected to `this`.
get connectedProvider(): Provider {
if (!this.provider) {
throw new Error(`the provider of signer ${} is not set yet!`);

return this.provider;

* Sign transaction and broadcast it
* @param tx A transaction is signed and broadcast
* @param options The options for signing, see the details of `SignTransactionOptions`.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the transaction id.
async signAndsendTransaction(tx: bsv.Transaction, options?: SignTransactionOptions): Promise<TransactionResponse> {
await tx.sealAsync();
const signedTx = await this.signTransaction(tx, options);
await this.connectedProvider.sendTransaction(signedTx);
return signedTx;

* Get a list of the P2PKH UTXOs.
* @param address The address of the returned UTXOs belongs to.
* @param options The optional query conditions, see details in `UtxoQueryOptions`.
* @returns A promise which resolves to a list of UTXO for the query options.
listUnspent(address: AddressOption, options?: UtxoQueryOptions): Promise<UTXO[]> {
// Default implementation using provider. Can be overriden.
return this.connectedProvider.listUnspent(address, options);

* Get the balance of BSVs in satoshis for an address.
* @param address The query address.
* @returns A promise which resolves to the address balance status.
async getBalance(address?: AddressOption): Promise<{ confirmed: number, unconfirmed: number }> {
// Default implementation using provider. Can be overriden.
address = address ? address : await this.getDefaultAddress();
return this.connectedProvider.getBalance(address);

// Inspection
* Check if an object is a `Signer`
* @param value The target object
* @returns Returns `true` if and only if `object` is a Provider.
static isSigner(value: any): value is Signer {
return !!(value && value._isSigner);

* Align provider's network after the signer is authenticated
async alignProviderNetwork() {

It is recommended that your signer implements all abstract methods. For non-abstract methods, the default implementation is usually sufficient.

Example: PandaSigner

Next, we use the Yours Wallet as an example to show how to implement a PandaSigner.

  1. Implement the isAuthenticated method to Check if the wallet has been authenticated:
private _initTarget() {
if(this._target) {

if (typeof (window as any).panda !== 'undefined') {
this._target = (window as any).panda;
} else {
throw new Error('panda is not installed')

* Check if the wallet has been authenticated
* @returns {boolean} true | false
override isAuthenticated(): Promise<boolean> {
return this._target.isConnected();
  1. Implement the requestAuth method to request wallet authentication:
* Request wallet authentication
* @returns A promise which resolves to if the wallet has been authenticated and the authenticate error message
override async requestAuth(): Promise<{ isAuthenticated: boolean, error: string }> {
let isAuthenticated: boolean = false
let error: string = ''
try {
await this.getConnectedTarget()
await this.alignProviderNetwork()
isAuthenticated = true
} catch (e) {
error = e.toString()
return Promise.resolve({ isAuthenticated, error })
  1. Returns the address to the default private key of the wallet in getDefaultAddress:
* Get an object that can directly interact with the Panda wallet,
* if there is no connection with the wallet, it will request to establish a connection.
* @returns PandaAPI
private async getConnectedTarget(): Promise<PandaAPI> {
const isAuthenticated = await this.isAuthenticated()
if (!isAuthenticated) {
// trigger connecting to panda account when it's not authorized.
try {

const res = await this._target.connect();

if(res && res.includes("canceled")) {
throw new Error(res);

} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`panda requestAccount failed: ${e}`)
return this._target;

override async getDefaultAddress(): Promise<bsv.Address> {
const panda = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const address = await panda.getAddresses();
return bsv.Address.fromString(address.bsvAddress);
  1. Returns the public key to the default private key of the wallet in getDefaultPubKey:
override async getDefaultPubKey(): Promise<bsv.PublicKey> {
const panda = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const pubKey = await panda.getPubKeys();
return Promise.resolve(new bsv.PublicKey(pubKey.bsvPubKey));
  1. Since Panda is a single-address wallet, we simply ignore the getPubKey method:
override async getPubKey(address: AddressOption): Promise<PublicKey> {
throw new Error(`Method ${}#getPubKey not implemented.`);
  1. Both signTransaction and signRawTransaction sign the transaction, and are already implemented in the base class. You just need to implement the getSignatures function. The following code calls panda's getSignatures API to request a wallet signature.
* Get signatures with Panda api
* @param rawTxHex a transation raw hex
* @param sigRequests a `SignatureRequest` array for the some inputs of the transaction.
* @returns a `SignatureResponse` array
override async getSignatures(rawTxHex: string, sigRequests: SignatureRequest[]): Promise<SignatureResponse[]> {
const panda = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const network = await this.getNetwork()

const sigRequests_ = => ({
prevTxid: sigReq.prevTxId,
outputIndex: sigReq.outputIndex,
inputIndex: sigReq.inputIndex,
satoshis: sigReq.satoshis,
address: parseAddresses(sigReq.address, network).map(addr => addr.toString()),
script: sigReq.scriptHex,
sigHashType: sigReq.sigHashType,
csIdx: sigReq.csIdx,

const sigResults = await panda.getSignatures({
rawtx: rawTxHex,
sigRequests: sigRequests_

return => ({
publicKey: sigResult.pubKey,
  1. Panda supports signing messages, if your wallet does not support it, you can throw an exception in the signMessage function:
override async signMessage(message: string, address?: AddressOption): Promise<string> {
if (address) {
throw new Error(`${}#signMessge with \`address\` param is not supported!`);
const panda = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const res = await panda.signMessage({message});
return res.sig;

So far, we have implemented all abstract methods. The remaining non-abstract methods can reuse the default implementation, that is, delegating to the connected provider. If you have a customized implementation, you can override them. For example, we can use the Panda api getBalance to obtain the balance of an address.

override getBalance(address?: AddressOption): Promise<{ confirmed: number, unconfirmed: number }> {
if (address) {
return this.connectedProvider.getBalance(address);

const panda = await this.getConnectedTarget();
const balance = await panda.getBalance();
return Promise.resolve({ confirmed: balance.satoshis, unconfirmed: 0 });

Now we have implemented PandaSigner. The full code is here.

Use your signer

Just connect your signer to a smart contract instance like any other signers:

// declare your signer
const your_signer = new YourSigner(new DefaultProvider());
// connect the signer to the contract instance
await instance.connect(your_signer);

Here is another user-customized signer.