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How to Test a Contract

Before using a smart contract in production, one should always test it carefully, especially because any bug in it may cause real economic losses.

Create a sample project with the sCrypt CLI Tool:

npx scrypt-cli project demo

This will create a complete sCrypt project, which includes a sample smart contract Demo:

import {
} from 'scrypt-ts'

export class Demo extends SmartContract {
hash: Sha256

constructor(hash: Sha256) {
this.hash = hash

public unlock(message: ByteString) {
assert(sha256(message) == this.hash, 'Hash does not match')

Let us now open the file tests/demo.test.ts. This file contains code for deployment of our Demo contract locally or on the Bitcoin testnet, and a subsequent method call on the contract.

Load Artifact

First, call function SmartContract.loadArtifact() to load the contract artifact file in order to initialize the contract class before testing.


Instantiate the Contract

Instantiate the contract and connect a signer.

instance = new Demo(sha256(toByteString('hello world', true)))
// connect a signer
await instance.connect(getDefaultSigner())

Contract Deployment

To deploy a smart contract, simply call its deploy() method:

const deployTx = await instance.deploy(1)
console.log('Demo contract deployed: ',

Call a Method


You can call a contract's public @method as before:

// build and send tx by calling `unlock()` on `methods` object.
await instance.methods.unlock(
toByteString('hello world', true)


You can also call non-public methods.

Let's add a non-public method to our contract:

hashMessage(message: ByteString): ByteString {
return sha256(message)

You can now call this method like the following:

const message: ByteString = toByteString('hello world', true)
const hashRes: ByteString = instance.hashMessage(message)

Note the absence of .methods after instance, compared to a public method.

If the method is static, it can be called like this:

static hashMessageStatic(message: ByteString): ByteString {
return sha256(message)
const hashRes: ByteString = Demo.hashMessageStatic(message)

It should be noted that non-public methods are only directly callable off-chain, e.g., for testing. On chain, they can only be invoked through a public method.

Integrate with a testing framework

You can use whatever testing framework you like to write unit tests for your contract. For example, a test using Mocha is shown below:

describe('Test SmartContract `Demo`', () => {
let instance: Demo

before(async () => {
instance = new Demo(sha256(toByteString('hello world', true)))
await instance.connect(getDefaultSigner())

it('should pass the public method unit test successfully.', async () => {
await instance.deploy(1)

const call = async () => instance.methods.unlock(
toByteString('hello world', true)

await expect(call())

it('should throw with wrong message.', async () => {
await instance.deploy(1)

const call = async () => instance.methods.unlock(toByteString('wrong message', true))
await expect(call()) does not match/)

Run tests

Compared to other blockchains, smart contracts on Bitcoin are pure.

  • Given the same input, its public method always returns the same boolean output: success or failure. It has no internal state.
  • A public method call causes no side effects.

Thus, you can run tests in two different environments:

  1. Local: Running tests locally without touching the Bitcoin blockchain. Transactions are constructed with dummy UTXOs. If it passes tests off chain, we are confident it will behave the same on chain.

Run tests in the local environment using the following command:

npm run test
  1. Testnet: Running tests on the testnet of Bitcoin blockchain. Transactions are constructed with real UTXOs on the testnet.

Run tests in the testnet environment using the following command:

npm run test:testnet

When running tests in a testnet environment, you need to get some test coins from a faucet.

Test a Stateful Contract

Stateful contact testing is very similar to what we have described above. The only different is that you have to be aware of smart contract instance changes after method calls.

As described in the Overview, for each method call, a tx contains new contract UTXO(s) with the latest updated state, i.e., the next instance. From the perspective of the current spending tx, the public @method of a contract instance is called in one of its inputs, and the next contract instance is stored in one (or more) of its outputs.

Now, let's look at how to test the incrementOnChain method call:

// initialize the first instance, i.e., deployment
let counter = new Counter(0n);
// connect it to a signer
await counter.connect(getDefaultSigner());
// deploy the contract
await counter.deploy(1)

// set the current instance to be the first instance
let current = counter;

// create the next instance from the current
let nextInstance =;

// apply the same updates on the next instance locally

// call the method of current instance to apply the updates on chain
const call = async () => current.methods.incrementOnChain(
// the `next` instance and its balance should be provided here
next: {
instance: nextInstance,
} as MethodCallOptions<Counter>

await expect(call())

In general, we call the method of a stateful contract in 3 steps:

1. Build the current instance

The current instance refers to the contract instance containing the latest state on the blockchain. The first instance is in the deployment transaction. In the above example, we initialize the current instance to be the first instance like this:

let current = counter;

2. Create a next instance and apply updates to it off chain

The next instance is the new instance in the UTXO of the method calling tx.

To create the next of a specific contract instance, you can simply call next() on it:

let nextInstance =;

It will make a deep copy of all properties and methods of instance to create a new one.

Then, you should apply all the state updates to the next instance. Please note that these are just local/off-chain updates and are yet to be applied to the blockchain.


This is the SAME method we call on chain in incrementOnChain, thanks to the fact that both the on-chain smart contract and off-chain code are written in TypeScript.

Shallow Copy

Sometimes, if you only want to do a shallow copy of some properties, you can pass in the property names as an optional argument like this:

const nextInstance =
refCloneProps: ['prop1', 'prop2']

In this context the next is designed to create a shallow copy of the specified properties, allowing for selective copy rather than a complete copy of the entire contract instance.

3. Call the method on the current instance to apply updates on chain

As described in this section, we can build a call transaction. The only difference here is that we pass in the next instance and its balance as a method call option in a stateful contract. So the method (i.e., incrementOnChain) have all the information to verify that all updates made to the next instance follow the state transition rules in it.

const call = async () => current.methods.incrementOnChain(
// the `next` instance and its balance should be provided here
next: {
instance: nextInstance,
} as MethodCallOptions<Counter>
await expect(call())

Run tests

As before, we can just use the following command:

npm run test


npm run test:testnet