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A smart contract is a class that extends the SmartContract base class. A simple example is shown below.

import { SmartContract, method, prop, assert } from "scrypt-ts"

class Equations extends SmartContract {

sum: bigint

diff: bigint

constructor(sum: bigint, diff: bigint) {
this.sum = sum
this.diff = diff

public unlock(x: bigint, y: bigint) {
assert(x + y == this.sum, 'incorrect sum')
assert(x - y == this.diff, 'incorrect diff')


The smart contract above requires solving for two equations with unknown variables, x and y.

Class members decorated with @prop and @method will end up on the blockchain and thus must be a strict subset of TypeScript. Everywhere decorated with them can be regarded in the on-chain context. Members decorated with neither are regular TypeScript and are kept off chain. The significant benefit of sCrypt is that both on-chain and off-chain code are written in the same language: TypeScript.


You can use the sCrypt template on and play with the code in your browser!


A smart contract can have two kinds of properties:

  1. With @prop decorator: these properties are only allowed to have types specified below and they shall only be initialized in the constructor.

  2. Without @prop decorator: these properties are regular TypeScript properties without any special requirement, meaning they can use any types. Accessing these properties is prohibited in methods decorated with the @method decorator.

@prop decorator

Use this decorator to mark any property that intends to be stored on chain.

This decorator takes a boolean parameter. By default, it is set to false, meaning the property cannot be changed after the contract is deployed. If the value is true, the property is a so-called stateful property and its value can be updated in subsequent contract calls.

// good, `a` is stored on chain, and it's readonly after the contract is deployed
readonly a: bigint

// valid, but not good enough, `a` cannot be changed after the contract is deployed
a: bigint

// good, `b` is stored on chain, and its value can be updated in subsequent contract calls
b: bigint

// invalid, `b` is a stateful property that cannot be readonly
readonly b: bigint

// good
static c: bigint = 1n

// invalid, static property must be initialized when declared
static c: bigint

// invalid, stateful property cannot be static
static c: bigint = 1n

// good, `UINT_MAX` is a compile-time constant (CTC), and doesn't need to be typed explicitly
static readonly UINT_MAX = 0xffffffffn

// valid, but not good enough, `@prop()` is not necessary for a CTC
static readonly UINT_MAX = 0xffffffffn

// invalid
static readonly UINT_MAX = 0xffffffffn


A smart contract must have an explicit constructor() if it has at least one @prop that is not static.

The super method must be called in the constructor and all the arguments of the constructor should be passed to super in the same order as they are passed into the constructor. For example,

class A extends SmartContract {
readonly p0: bigint

readonly p1: bigint

readonly p2: boolean

constructor(p0: bigint, p1: bigint, p2: boolean) {
super(...arguments) // same as super(p0, p1, p2)
this.p0 = p0
this.p1 = p1
this.p2 = p2

arguments is an array containing the values of the arguments passed to that function. ... is the spread syntax.


Like properties, a smart contract can also have two kinds of methods:

  1. With @method decorator: these methods can only call methods also decorated by @method or functions specified below. Also, only the properties decorated by @prop can be accessed.

  2. Without @method decorator: these methods are just regular TypeScript class methods.

@method decorator

  1. Use this decorator to mark any method that intends to run on chain.
  2. It takes a sighash flag as a parameter.

Public @methods

Each contract must have at least one public @method. It is denoted with the public modifier and does not return any value. It is visible outside the contract and acts as the main method into the contract (like main in C and Java).

A public @method can be called from an external transaction. The call succeeds if it runs to completion without violating any conditions in assert(). An example is shown below.

public unlock(x: bigint, y: bigint) {
assert(x + y == this.sum, 'incorrect sum')
assert(x - y == this.diff, 'incorrect diff')

Ending rule

A public @method method must end with assert() in all reachable code paths.1

A detailed example is shown below.

class PublicMethodDemo extends SmartContract {

public foo() {
// valid, last statement is `assert()` statement

public foo() {
// valid, `console.log` calls will be ignored when verifying the last `assert()` statement
assert(true); //

public foo() {
// valid, last statement is `for` statement
for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) {

public foo(z: bigint) {
// valid, last statement is `if-else` statement
if(z > 3n) {
} else {

public foo() {
// invalid, the last statement of every public method should be an `assert()` statement

public foo() {
return 1n; // invalid, because a public method cannot return any value

public foo() {
// invalid, the last statement in the `for` statement body doesn't end with `assert()`
for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) {
z + 3n;

public foo() {
// invalid, because each conditional branch does not end with `assert()`
if(z > 3n) {
} else {


public foo() {
// invalid, because each conditional branch does not end with `assert()`
if(z > 3n) {

Non-public @methods

Without a public modifier, a @method is internal and cannot be directly called from an external transaction.

xyDiff(): bigint {
return this.x - this.y

// static method
static add(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint {
return a + b;

Recursion is disallowed. A @method, whether public or not, cannot call itself either directly in its own body, nor indirectly call another method that transitively calls itself.

A more detailed example is shown below.

class MethodsDemo extends SmartContract {
readonly x: bigint;
readonly y: bigint;

constructor(x: bigint, y: bigint) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;

// good, non-public static method without access `@prop` properties
static add(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint {
return a + b;

// good, non-public method
xyDiff(): bigint {
return this.x - this.y

// good, public method
public checkSum(z: bigint) {
// good, call `sum` with the class name
assert(z == MethodsDemo.add(this.x, this.y), 'check sum failed');

// good, another public method
public sub(z: bigint) {
// good, call `xyDiff` with the class instance
assert(z == this.xyDiff(), 'sub check failed');

// valid but bad, public static method
public static alwaysPass() {

Data Types

Types used in @prop and @method are restricted to these kinds:

Basic Types


A simple value true or false.

let isDone: boolean = false


bigint can represent arbitrarily large integers. A bigint literal is a number with suffix n:

const previouslyMaxSafeInteger = 9007199254740991n
const alsoHuge = BigInt(9007199254740991)
// 9007199254740991n
const hugeHex: bigint = BigInt("0x1fffffffffffff")
// 9007199254740991n


In a smart contract context (i.e., in @methods or @props), a ByteString represents a byte array.

A literal string can be converted in to a ByteString using function toByteString(literal: string, isUtf8: boolean = false): ByteString:

  • If not passing isUtf8 or isUtf8 is false, then literal should be in the format of hex literal, which can be represented by the regular expression: /^([0-9a-fA-F]{2})*$/
  • Otherwise, literal should be in the format of utf8 literal, e.g., hello world.

toByteString ONLY accepts string literals for its first argument, and boolean literals for the second.

let a = toByteString('0011') // valid, `0011` is a valid hex literal
// 0011
let b = toByteString('hello world', true) // valid
// 68656c6c6f20776f726c64

toByteString('0011', false) // valid
// 30303131

toByteString(b, true) // invalid, not passing string literal to the 1st parameter

toByteString('001') // invalid, `001` is not a valid hex literal
toByteString('hello', false) // invalid, `hello` is not a valid hex literal

toByteString('hello', 1 === 1) // invalid, not passing boolean literal to the 2nd parameter

let c = true
toByteString('world', c) // invalid, not passing boolean literal to the 2nd parameter

ByteString has the following operators and methods:

  • == / ===: compare

  • +: concatenate

const str0 = toByteString('01ab23ef68')
const str1 = toByteString('656c6c6f20776f726c64')

// comparison
str0 == str1
str0 === str1
// false

// concatenation
str0 + str1
// '01ab23ef68656c6c6f20776f726c64'


Type number is not allowed in @props and @methods, except in the following cases. We can use Number() function to convert bigint to number.

  • Array index
let arr: FixedArray<bigint, 3> = [1n, 3n, 3n]
let idx: bigint = 2n
let item = arr[Number(idx)]
  • Loop variable
for (let i: number = 0 i < 10 i++) {
let j: bigint = BigInt(i) // convert number to bigint

It can also be used in defining compile-time constants.

Fixed Size Array

All arrays must be of fixed size and be declared as type of FixedArray<T, SIZE>, whose SIZE must be a CTC described later. The common TypeScript arrays declared as T[] or Array<T> are not allowed in @props and @methods, as they are of dynamic size.

let aaa: FixedArray<bigint, 3> = [1n, 3n, 3n]

// set to all 0s
const N = 20
let aab: FixedArray<bigint, N> = fill(0n, N)

// 2-dimensional array
let abb: FixedArray<FixedArray<bigint, 2>, 3> = [[1n, 3n], [1n, 3n], [1n, 3n]]

A FixedArray behaves differently in an on-chain and off-chain context, when passed as a function argument. It is passed by reference off chain, as a regular TypeScript/JavaScript array, while passed by value on chain. Thus, it is strongly recommended to NEVER mutate a FixedArray parameter's element inside a function.

class DemoContract extends SmartContract {

readonly a: FixedArray<bigint, 3>

constructor(a: FixedArray<bigint, 3>) {
this.a = a

onchainChange(a: FixedArray<bigint, 3>) {
a[0] = 0

offchainChange(a: FixedArray<bigint, 3>) {
a[0] = 0

public main(a: FixedArray<bigint, 3>) {
// note: a[0] is not changed on chain
assert(this.a[0] == 1n)

const arrayA: FixedArray<bigint, 3> = [1n, 2n, 3n]
const instance = new DemoContract(arrayA);

// note: arrayA[0] is changed off chain
assert(arrayA[0] = 0n)

User-defined Types

type or interface

Users can best define customized types using type or interface, made of basic types.2

type ST = {
a: bigint
b: boolean

interface ST1 {
x: ST
y: ByteString

type Point = {
x: number
y: number

function printCoord(pt: Point) {
console.log("The coordinate's x value is " + pt.x)
console.log("The coordinate's y value is " + pt.y)

interface Point2 {
x: number
y: number

// Exactly the same as the earlier example
function printCoord(pt: Point2) {
console.log("The coordinate's x value is " + pt.x)
console.log("The coordinate's y value is " + pt.y)


sCrypt supports enumerables and they are useful to model choice and keep track of state.

Users can define enums outside of a contract.

Declaring and using Enum

// Enum status
// Pending - 0
// Shipped - 1
// Accepted - 2
// Rejected - 3
// Canceled - 4
export enum Status {

export class Enum extends SmartContract {
status: Status

constructor() {
this.status = Status.Pending

get(): Status {
return this.status

// Update status by passing Int into input
set(status: Status): void {
this.status = status

public unlock() {
let s = this.get()
assert(s == Status.Pending, 'invalid status')


s = this.get()

assert(s == Status.Accepted, 'invalid status')

assert(this.ctx.hashOutputs == hash256(this.buildStateOutput(this.ctx.utxo.value)),
'hashOutputs check failed')

Enum members can only be initialized with literal numbers, not strings.

export enum Status {
Pending, //valid
Shipped = 3, // valid
Accepted, // valid
Rejected = "Rejected", // invalid

Domain Types

There are several domain types, specific to the Bitcoin context, used to further improve type safety. They are all subtypes of ByteString. That is, they can be used where a ByteString is expected, but not vice versa.

  • PubKey - a public key

  • Sig - a signature type in DER format, including sighash flags at the end

  • Ripemd160 - a RIPEMD-160 hash

  • Addr - an alias for Ripemd160, usually representing a bitcoin address.

  • PubKeyHash - another alias for Ripemd160

  • Sha1 - a SHA-1 hash

  • Sha256 - a SHA-256 hash

  • SigHashType - a sighash

  • SigHashPreimage - a sighash preimage

  • OpCodeType - a Script opcode

public unlock(sig: Sig, pubkey: PubKey) {
// The pubKey2Addr() function takes a 'pubkey', which is of type PubKey.
assert(pubKey2Addr(pubkey) == this.pubKeyHash)
assert(this.checkSig(sig, pubkey), 'signature check failed')

Import Types

All types can be imported from scrypt-ts package:

import {
} from 'scrypt-ts'

This may not work when isolatedModules is enabled. At this time you need to use Type-Only Imports:

import type {
} from 'scrypt-ts'


There are some constraints on these following statements within @methods, except variable declarations.

Variable declarations

Variables can be declared in @methods by keywords const / var / let, like in normal TypeScript.

let a : bigint = 1n
var b: boolean = false
const byte: ByteString = toByteString("ff")


Bitcoin does not allow unbounded loops for security reasons (eg: to prevent DoS attacks). All loops must be bounded at compile time. So if you want to loop inside @method, you must strictly use the following format:

for (let $i = 0; $i < $maxLoopCount; $i++) {
  • the initial value must be 0 or 0n, the operator < (no <=), and increment $i++ (no pre-increment ++$i).
  • $maxLoopCount must be a CTC or a CTC expression, for example:
const N = 4

// valid, `N` is a CTC
for (let i = 0; i < N; i++) { ... }

// valid, `2 * N - 1` is a CTC expression
for (let i = 0; i < 2 * N - 1; i++) { ... }

const M = N + 1

// valid, `M` is a CTC expression
for (let i = 0; i < M; i++) { ... }
  • $i can be arbitrary name, e.g., i, j, or k. It can be both a number or a bigint type.
  • break and continue are currently not allowed, but can be emulated like
// emulate break
let x = 3n
let done = false
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (!done) {
x = x * 2n
if (x >= 8n) {
done = true


Due to the lack of native return semantics support in Bitcoin Script, a non-public function currently must end with a return statement and it is the only valid place for a return statement. This requirement may be relaxed in the future.

@method() m(x: bigint): bigint {
if (x > 2n) return x // invalid
return x + 1n // valid

This is usually not a problem since it can be circumvented as follows:

abs(a: bigint): bigint {
if (a > 0) {
return a
} else {
return -a

can be rewritten as

abs(a: bigint): bigint {
let ret : bigint = 0

if (a > 0) {
ret = a
} else {
ret = -a
return ret

Compile-time Constant

A compile-time constant, or CTC for short, is a special variable whose value can be determined at compile time. A CTC must be defined in one of the following ways:

  • A number literal like:
  • A const variable, whose value must be a numeric literal. Expressions cannot be used for now.
const N1 = 3 // valid
const N2: number = 3 // invalid, no explicit type `number` allowed
const N3 = 3 + 3 // invalid, no expression allowed
  • A static readonly property:
class X {
static readonly M1 = 3 // valid
static readonly M2: number = 3 // invalid
static readonly M3 = 3 + 3 // invalid
  • A number parameter, it is only allowed if it appears in the @method of SmartContractLib:
export class MyLib extends SmartContractLib {

constructor() {

static sum(x: number) : bigint {
let sum = 0n;
// Note: `x` is a variable here <--------
for (let i = 0n; i < x; i++) {
sum += i

return sum;


const N = 10

export class Demo extends SmartContract {

constructor() {

public unlock() {
assert(MyLib.sum(10) == 45n, 'incorrect sum')
assert(MyLib.sum(20) == 190n, 'incorrect sum')
assert(MyLib.sum(N) == 45n, 'incorrect sum')
  • All enum members are CTCs:
export enum Status {

A CTC is required in these cases.

  • Array size
let arr1: FixedArray<bigint, 3> = [1n, 2n, 3n]
// `typeof` is needed since FixedArray takes a type as the array size, not a value
let arr1: FixedArray<bigint, typeof N1> = [1n, 2n, 3n]
let arr2: FixedArray<bigint, typeof X.M1> = [1n, 2n, 3n]
  • Loop count in for statement
for(let i=0; i< 3; i++) {}
for(let i=0; i< N1; i++) {}
for(let i=0; i< X.M1; i++) {}
  • Returns a FixedArray
export class MyLib extends SmartContractLib {

constructor() {

// Note: You must use `typeof n | any`
static createFixedArray(n: number) : FixedArray<bigint, typeof n | any> {
const fa: FixedArray<bigint, typeof n | any> = fill(1n, n);
return fa;


Built-in Functions

You can refer to Built-ins for a full list of functions and libraries built into sCrypt.

Whitelisted Functions

By default, all Javascript/TypeScript built-in functions and global variables are not allowed in @methods, except the following kinds.


console.log can be used for debugging purposes.

static add(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint {
return a + b;


sCrypt is a subset of TypeScript. Only the following operators can be used directly.

==Equal to
!=Not equal to
===Same as ==
!==Not same as !=
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
&&Logical AND
||Logical OR
!Logical NOT
cond ? expr1 : expr2ternary
+=Add and assign
-=Subtract and assign
*=Multiply and assign
/=Divide and assign
%=Assign remainder

** is not supported currently.

  1. console.log() calls will be ignored when verifying the above rule.
  2. A user-defined type is also passed by value on chain, and by reference off chain, same as a FixedArray. It is thus strongly recommended to NEVER mutate the field of a parameter, which is of a user-defined type, inside a function.