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The BSV submodule

sCrypt exports a submodule named bsv which is an interface that helps you manage low-level things for the Bitcoin blockchain, such as creating key pairs, building, signing and serializing Bitcoin transactions, and more.

In the context of sCrypt, the bsv submodule is used primarily for managing key pairs and defining custom transaction builders, as demonstrated in the How to Write a Contract section.

The goal of this section is to guide you through the basics of using the bsv submodule.


You can import the bsv submodule like this:

import { bsv } from 'scrypt-ts'

Private Keys

A PrivateKey object is basically a wrapper around a 256-bit integer.

You can generate a Bitcoin private key (for mainnet) from a random value like this:

const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom()
// Same as: const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom(bsv.Network.mainnet)

To create a private key for the test network (also referred to as testnet), do the following instead:

const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom(bsv.Networks.testnet)

The main difference between a mainnet and a testnet key is how they get serialized. Check out this BitcoinSV Wiki page on WIFs which explains the differences in more detail.

You can also create PrivateKey objects from serialized keys like this:

const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromWIF('cVDFHtcTU1wn92AkvTyDbtVqyUJ1SFQTEEanAWJ288xvA7TEPDcZ')
const privKey2 = bsv.PrivateKey.fromString('e3a9863f4c43576cdc316986ba0343826c1e0140b0156263ba6f464260456fe8')

See the decimal value of the private key the following way:


Private keys should be carefully stored and never be publicly revealed. Otherwise it may lead to loss of funds.

Public Keys

A public key is derived from a private key and can be shared publicly. Mathematically, a public key is a point on the default elliptic curve that Bitcoin uses, named SECP256K1. It is the curve's base point multiplied by the value of the private key.

You can get the public key corresponding to a private key the following way:

const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom(bsv.Networks.testnet)
const pubKey = privKey.toPublicKey()

Similar to a private key, you can serialize and deserialize public keys:

const pubKey = bsv.PublicKey.fromHex('03a687b08533e37d5a6ff5c8b54a9869d4def9bdc2a4bf8c3a5b3b34d8934ccd17')
// 03a687b08533e37d5a6ff5c8b54a9869d4def9bdc2a4bf8c3a5b3b34d8934ccd17


You can get a Bitcoin address from either the private key or the public key:

const privKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom(bsv.Networks.testnet)
const pubKey = privKey.toPublicKey()

// mxRjX2uxHHmS4rdSYcmCcp2G91eseb5PpF
// mxRjX2uxHHmS4rdSYcmCcp2G91eseb5PpF

Read this BitcoinSV wiki page for more information on how Bitcoin addresses are constructed.

Hash Functions

The bsv submodule offers various hash functions that are commonly used in Bitcoin. You can use them like so:

const hashString = bsv.crypto.Hash.sha256(Buffer.from('this is the data I want to hash')).toString('hex')
// f88eec7ecabf88f9a64c4100cac1e0c0c4581100492137d1b656ea626cad63e3

The hash functions available in the bsv submodule are:

Hash FunctionOutput LengthDescription
sha25632 bytesThe SHA256 hash.
sha256sha25632 bytesThe SHA256 hash of the SHA256 hash. Used for blocks and transactions.
sha51264 bytesThe SHA512 hash. Commonly used in applications.
sha120 bytesThe SHA1 hash.
ripemd16020 bytesThe RIPEMD160 hash.
sha256ripemd16020 bytesThe RIPEMD160 hash of the SHA256 hash. Used in Bitcoin addresses.

Note however, that these bsv.js hash functions should not be confused with sCrypt's native hash functions. These functions cannot be used in a smart contract method.

Constructing Transactions

The bsv submodule offers a flexible system for constructing Bitcoin transactions. Users are able to define scripts, transaction inputs and outputs, and a whole transaction including its metadata. For a complete description of Bitcoin's transaction format, please read the BitcoinSV wiki page.

As an exercise let's construct a simple P2PKH transaction from scratch and sign it.


As you will notice further in these docs, most of these steps won't be needed in a regular smart contract development workflow as sCrypt already does a lot of heavy lifting for you. This section serves more as a deeper look on what is happening under the hood.

You can create an empty transaction like this:

let tx = new bsv.Transaction()

Because the transaction will need an input that provides it with some funds, we can use the from function to add one that unlocks the specified UTXO:

// TXID that contains the output you want to unlock:
txId: 'f50b8c6dedea6a4371d17040a9e8d2ea73d369177737fb9f47177fbda7d4d387',
// Index of the UTXO:
outputIndex: 0,
// Script of the UTXO. In this case it's a regular P2PKH script:
script: bsv.Script.fromASM('OP_DUP OP_HASH160 fde69facc20be6eee5ebf5f0ae96444106a0053f OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG').toHex(),
// Value locked in the UTXO in satoshis:
satoshis: 99904

Now, the transaction needs an output that will pay to the address mxXPxaRvFE3178Cr6KK7nrQ76gxjvBQ4UQ in our example:

new bsv.Transaction.Output({
script: bsv.Script.buildPublicKeyHashOut('mxXPxaRvFE3178Cr6KK7nrQ76gxjvBQ4UQ'),
satoshis: 99804,

Notice how the output value is 100 satoshis less than the value of the UTXO we're unlocking. This difference is the transaction fee (sometimes also called the "miner fee"). The transaction fees are collected by miners when they mine a block, so adding a transaction fee basically acts as an incentive for miners to include your transaction in a block.

The amount of transaction fee you should pay depends on the fee rate and the bytes of the transaction. By adding an additional output to the transaction, we can control how much the transaction fee is actually paid. This output is called the change output. By adjusting the amount of change output, we can pay as little transaction fees as possible while meeting the needs of miners.

You can directly call the change function to add a change output to the transaction without calculating the change amount by yourself. This function is smart enough that it will only add the change output when the difference between all inputs and outputs is more than the required transaction fee.


For the fee rate, you can also change it by calling feePerKb.



Now that we have the transaction constructed, it's time to sign it. First, we need to seal the transaction, so it will be ready to sign. Then we call the sign function, which takes the private key that can unlock the UTXO we passed to the from function. In our example, this is the private key that corresponds to the address n4fTXc2kaKXHyaxmuH5FTKiJ8Tr4fCPHFy:

tx = tx.seal().sign('cNSb8V7pRt6r5HrPTETq2Li2EWYEjA7EcQ1E8V2aGdd6UzN9EuMw')

Viola! That's it. This will add the necessary data to the transaction's input script: the signature and the public key of our signing key. Now our transaction is ready to be posted to the blockchain.

You can serialize the transaction like this:


To broadcast a transaction, you can use any provider you like. For demo and test purposes you can paste the serialized transaction here.


If you want to post some arbitrary data on-chain, without any locking logic, you can use transaction outputs with an OP_RETURN script.

An example of an OP_RETURN script written in ASM format is this:

OP_FALSE OP_RETURN 734372797074

The opcodes OP_FALSE OP_RETURN will make the script unspendable. After them we can insert arbitrary chunks of data. The 734372797074 is actually the string sCrypt encoded as an utf-8 hexadecimal string.

// 734372797074

An OP_RETURN script can also contain more than a single chunk of data:

OP_FALSE OP_RETURN 48656c6c6f 66726f6d 734372797074

The bsv submodule offers a convenient function to construct such scripts:

const opRetScript: bsv.Script = bsv.Script.buildSafeDataOut(['Hello', 'from', 'sCrypt'])

We can add the resulting bsv.Script object to an output as shown above.


ECIES (Elliptic Curve Integrated Encryption Scheme) is a hybrid encryption scheme that combines the strengths of public-key cryptography and symmetric encryption. It allows two parties, each having an elliptic curve key pair, to exchange encrypted messages. The bsv submodule provides the ECIES class to easily implement this encryption scheme in your sCrypt projects.

Here's how to use it:


To encrypt a message using ECIES:

  1. First, create an instance of the ECIES class.
  2. Specify the public key of the recipient with the publicKey method.
  3. Call the encrypt method with the message you wish to encrypt.
const msg = 'Hello sCrypt!'
const encryption = new bsv.ECIES()
const ciphertext = encryption.encrypt(msg)

In this example, recipientPublicKey is the recipient's public key.


To decrypt a message:

  1. Create another instance of the ECIES class.
  2. Set the recipient's private key using the privateKey method.
  3. Call the decrypt method, passing the ciphertext you wish to decrypt.
const decryption = new bsv.ECIES()
const msg = decryption.decrypt(ciphertext)
// "Hello sCrypt!"

In this example, recipientPrivateKey is the private key of the recipient (the one corresponding to the public key used for encryption).


  • Take a look at the full bsv submodule reference for a full list of what functions it provides.
  • As the bsv submodule is based on MoneyButton's library implementation, take a look at their video tutorial series. Please note that some things might be slightly different as the videos are now at least 5 years old.