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Script Context

In the UTXO model, the context of validating a smart contract is the UTXO containing it and the transaction spending it, including its inputs and outputs. In the following example, when the second of input of transaction tx1 (2 inputs and 2 outputs) is spending the second output of tx0 (3 inputs and 3 outputs), the context for the smart contract in the latter output is roughly the UTXO and tx1 circled in red.


The context only contains local information. This is different from account-based blockchains (like Ethereum) where context consists of the global state of the entire blockchain. A single shared global state across all smart contracts jeopardizes scalability because transactions must be sequentially processed, resulting in potential race conditions.

This context is expressed in the ScriptContext interface.

export interface ScriptContext {
// version number of the transaction
version: ByteString,
// the specific UTXO spent by this transaction input
utxo: UTXO,
// double-SHA256 hash of the serialization of some/all input outpoints
hashPrevouts: ByteString,
// double-SHA256 hash of the serialization of some/all input sequence values
hashSequence: ByteString,
// sequence number of the transaction input
sequence: bigint,
// double-SHA256 hash of the serialization of some/all output amount with its locking script
hashOutputs: ByteString,
// locktime of a transaction
locktime: bigint,
// SIGHASH flag used by this input
sigHashType: SigHashType,
// get the whole serialized sighash preimage
serialize(): SigHashPreimage,

export interface UTXO {
// locking script
script: ByteString,
// amount in satoshis
value: bigint,
// outpoint referenced by this UTXO
outpoint: Outpoint,

export interface Outpoint {
/** txid of the transaction holding the output */
txid: ByteString,
/** index of the specific output */
outputIndex: bigint,

The table shows the meaning of each field of the ScriptContext structure.

versionversion of the transaction
utxo.valuevalue of the output spent by this input
utxo.scriptlocking script of the UTXO
utxo.outpoint.txidtxid of the transaction being spent
utxo.outpoint.outputIndexindex of the UTXO in the outputs
hashPrevoutsIf the ANYONECANPAY SIGHASH type is not set, it's double SHA256 of the serialization of all input outpoints. Otherwise, it's a uint256 of 0x0000......0000.
hashSequenceIf none of the ANYONECANPAY, SINGLE, NONE SIGHASH type is set, it's double SHA256 of the serialization of sequence of all inputs. Otherwise, it's a uint256 of 0x0000......0000.
sequencesequence of the input
hashOutputsIf the SIGHASH type is neither SINGLE nor NONE, it's double SHA256 of the serialization of all outputs. If the SIGHASH type is SINGLE and the input index is smaller than the number of outputs, it's the double SHA256 of the output with the same index as the input. Otherwise, it's a uint256 of 0x0000......0000.
locktimelocktime of the transaction
sigHashTypesighash type of the signature

You can directly access the context through this.ctx in any public @method. It can be considered additional information a public method gets when called, besides its function parameters.

The example below accesses the locktime of the spending transaction. The contract is a time lock, which can only be called after mature time.

class TimeLock extends SmartContract {
readonly matureTime: bigint // Can be timestamp or block height.

constructor(matureTime: bigint) {
this.matureTime = matureTime

public unlock() {
assert(this.ctx.locktime >= this.matureTime, "locktime too low")

Access inputs and outputs

The inputs and outputs of the spending transaction are not directly included in ScriptContext, but their hashes/digests. To access them, we can build them first and validate the hash to the expected digest, which ensures they are actually from the spending transaction.

The following example ensures both Alice and Bob get 1000 satoshis from the contract.

class DesignatedReceivers extends SmartContract {
readonly alice: Addr

readonly bob: Addr

constructor(alice: Addr, bob: Addr) {
this.alice = alice
this.bob = bob

public payout() {
const aliceOutput: ByteString = Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(this.alice, 1000n)
const bobOutput: ByteString = Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(this.bob, 1000n)
let outputs = aliceOutput + bobOutput

// require a change output
outputs += this.buildChangeOutput();

// ensure outputs are actually from the spending transaction as expected
assert(this.ctx.hashOutputs == hash256(outputs), 'hashOutputs mismatch')


Through the hashPrevouts field of ScriptContext, we can access the hash of Prevouts:

If the ANYONECANPAY flag is not set, hashPrevouts is the double SHA256 of the serialization of all input outpoints; Otherwise, hashPrevouts is a uint256 of 0x0000......0000.

But we can access the full prevouts via this.prevouts.

  • If the ANYONECANPAY flag is not set, the hash of this.prevouts is equal to this.ctx.hashPrevouts.
  • Otherwise, this.prevouts will be empty.

SigHash Type

SigHash type decides which part of the spending transaction is included in ScriptContext.


It defaults to SigHash.ALL, including all inputs and outputs. You can customize it by setting the argument of the @method() decorator, like:

public increment() {

public increment() {

public increment() {

There are a total of 6 sigHash types to choose from:

SigHash TypeFunctional Meaning
ALLSign all inputs and outputs
NONESign all inputs and no output
SINGLESign all inputs and the output with the same index
ANYONECANPAY_ALLSign its own input and all outputs
ANYONECANPAY_NONESign its own input and no output
ANYONECANPAY_SINGLESign its own input and the output with the same index

For more information, refer to the section on Sighash Types.


You have the option to convert this.ctx into a SigHashPreimage object through serialization. This can be achieved by invoking the this.ctx.serialize() method. The output object adheres to the format utilized during the signing or verification of transactions.

nVersion of the transaction (4-byte little endian)
hashPrevouts (32-byte hash)
hashSequence (32-byte hash)
outpoint (32-byte hash + 4-byte little endian)
scriptCode of the input (serialized as scripts inside CTxOuts)
value of the output spent by this input (8-byte little endian)
nSequence of the input (4-byte little endian)
hashOutputs (32-byte hash)
nLocktime of the transaction (4-byte little endian)
sighash type of the signature (4-byte little endian)


A noteworthy application of a serialized preimage can be found in the creation of custom SigHash flags. An example is the SIGHASH_ANYPREVOUT, which showcases this process.


See How to Debug ScriptContext Failure