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Built-in Functions

Global Functions

The following functions come with sCrypt:


  • assert(condition: boolean, errorMsg?: string) Throw an Error with the optional error message if condition is false. Otherwise, nothing happens.
assert(1n === 1n)        // nothing happens
assert(1n === 2n) // throws Error('Execution failed')
assert(false, 'hello') // throws Error('Execution failed, hello')


  • fill(value: T, length: number): T[length] Returns an FixedArray with all size elements set to value, where value can be any type.

length must be a compiled-time constant.

// good
fill(1n, 3) // numeric literal 3
fill(1n, M) // const M = 3
fill(1n, Demo.N) // `N` is a static readonly property of class `Demo`


  • abs(a: bigint): bigint Returns the absolute value of a.
abs(1n)  // 1n
abs(0n) // 0n
abs(-1n) // 1n
  • min(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint Returns the smallest of a and b.
min(1n, 2n) // 1n
  • max(a: bigint, b: bigint): bigint Returns the lagest of a and b.
max(1n, 2n) // 2n
  • within(x: bigint, min: bigint, max: bigint): boolean Returns true if x is within the specified range (left-inclusive and right-exclusive), false otherwise.
within(0n, 0n, 2n) // true
within(1n, 0n, 2n) // true
within(2n, 0n, 2n) // false


  • ripemd160(a: ByteString): Ripemd160 Returns the RIPEMD160 hash result of a.
  • sha1(a: ByteString): Sha1 Returns the SHA1 hash result of a.
  • sha256(a: ByteString): Sha256 Returns the SHA256 hash result of a.
  • hash160(a: ByteString): Ripemd160 Actually returns ripemd160(sha256(a)).
  • pubKey2Addr(pk: PubKey): Addr Wrapper function of hash160.
  • hash256(a: ByteString): Sha256 Actually returns sha256(sha256(a)).

ByteString Operations

  • int2ByteString(n: bigint, size?: bigint): ByteString If size is omitted, convert n is converted to a ByteString in sign-magnitude little endian format, with as few bytes as possible (a.k.a., minimally encoded). Otherwise, converts the number n to a ByteString of the specified size, including the sign bit; fails if the number cannot be accommodated.
// as few bytes as possible
int2ByteString(128n) // '8000', little endian
int2ByteString(127n) // '7f'
int2ByteString(0n) // ''
int2ByteString(-1n) // '81'
int2ByteString(-129n) // '8180', little endian

// specified size
int2ByteString(1n, 3n) // '010000', 3 bytes
int2ByteString(-129n, 3n) // '810080', 3 bytes

// Error: -129 cannot fit in 1 byte
int2ByteString(-129n, 1n)
  • byteString2Int(a: ByteString): bigint Convert ByteString in sign-magnitude little endian format to bigint.
byteString2Int(toByteString('8000'))    // 128n
byteString2Int(toByteString('')) // 0n
byteString2Int(toByteString('00')) // 0n
byteString2Int(toByteString('81')) // -1n

byteString2Int(toByteString('010000')) // 1n
byteString2Int(toByteString('810080')) // -129n
  • len(a: ByteString): number Returns the byte length of a.
const s1 = toByteString('0011', false) // '0011', 2 bytes
len(s1) // 2

const s2 = toByteString('hello', true) // '68656c6c6f', 5 bytes
len(s2) // 5
  • reverseByteString(b: ByteString, size: number): ByteString Returns reversed bytes of b which is of size bytes. It is often useful when converting a number between little-endian and big-endian.

size must be a compiled-time constant.

const s1 = toByteString('793ff39de7e1dce2d853e24256099d25fa1b1598ee24069f24511d7a2deafe6c')
reverseByteString(s1, 32) // 6cfeea2d7a1d51249f0624ee98151bfa259d095642e253d8e2dce1e79df33f79
  • slice(byteString: ByteString, start: BigInt, end?: BigInt): ByteString return a sub-byte string from start to, but not including, end. If end is not specified, the sub-byte string continues to the last byte.
const message = toByteString('001122')
slice(message, 1n) // '1122'
slice(message, 1n, 2n) // '11'

Bitwise Operator

Bigint in the Bitcoin is stored in sign–magnitude format, not two's complement format commonly used. If the operands are all nonnegative, the result of the operation is consistent with TypeScript's bitwise operator, except ~. Otherwise, the operation results may be inconsistent and thus undefined. It is strongly recommended to NEVER apply bitwise operations on negative numbers.

  • and(x: bigint, y: bigint): bigint Bitwise AND
and(13n, 5n) // 5n
and(0x0a32c845n, 0x149f72n) // 0x00108840n, 1083456n
  • or(x: bigint, y: bigint): bigint Bitwise OR
or(13n, 5n) // 13n
or(0x0a32c845n, 0x149f72n) // 0xa36df77n, 171368311n
  • xor(x: bigint, y: bigint): bigint Bitwise XOR
xor(13n, 5n) // 8n
xor(0x0a32c845n, 0x149f72n) // 0x0a265737n, 170284855n
  • invert(x: bigint): bigint Bitwise NOT
invert(13n)  // -114n
  • lshift(x: bigint, n: bigint): bigint Arithmetic left shift, returns x * 2^n.
lshift(2n, 3n)   // 16n
  • rshift(x: bigint, n: bigint): bigint Arithmetic right shift, returns x / 2^n.
rshift(21n, 3n)    // 2n
rshift(1024n, 11n) // 0n


  • exit(status: boolean): void Calling this function will terminate contract execution. If status is true then the contract succeeds; otherwise, it fails.

SmartContract Methods

The following @methods come with the SmartContract base class.


Function static async compile(): Promise<TranspileError[]> compiles the contract and returns transpile errors if compiling fails.

// returns transpile errors if compiling fails
const transpileErrors = await Demo.compile()


Function get scriptSize(): number returns the byte length of the contract locking script.

const demo = new Demo()
const size = demo.scriptSize


Function static loadArtifact(artifactFile: Artifact | string | undefined = undefined) loads the contract artifact file from the path you passed in to initialize the contract class.

If no parameter is passed when calling, the function will load the artifact file from the default directory. This is generally used during testing.

You can also pass the artifact path directly. This is usually used when the method is called when interacting with a contract at the front-end.

import { TicTacToe } from './contracts/tictactoe';
import artifact from '../artifacts/tictactoe.json';


Function checkSig(signature: Sig, publicKey: PubKey): boolean verifies an ECDSA signature. It takes two inputs: an ECDSA signature and a public key.

It returns if the signature matches the public key.


All signature checking functions (checkSig and checkMultiSig) follow the NULLFAIL rule: if the signature is invalid, the entire contract aborts and fails immediately, unless the signature is an empty ByteString, in which case these functions return false.

For example, Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) can be implemented as below.

class P2PKH extends SmartContract {
// Address of the recipient.
readonly address: Addr

constructor(address: Addr) {
this.address = address

public unlock(sig: Sig, pubkey: PubKey) {
// Check if the passed public key belongs to the specified public key hash.
assert(pubKey2Addr(pubkey) == this.address, 'address does not correspond to address')
// Check signature validity.
assert(this.checkSig(sig, pubkey), 'signature check failed')


Function checkMultiSig(signatures: Sig[], publickeys: PubKey[]): boolean verifies an array of ECDSA signatures. It takes two inputs: an array of ECDSA signatures and an array of public keys.

The function compares the first signature against each public key until it finds an ECDSA match. Starting with the subsequent public key, it compares the second signature against each remaining public key until it finds an ECDSA match. The process is repeated until all signatures have been checked or not enough public keys remain to produce a successful result. All signatures need to match a public key. Because public keys are not checked again if they fail any signature comparison, signatures must be placed in the signatures array using the same order as their corresponding public keys were placed in the publickeys array. If all signatures are valid, true is returned, false otherwise.

class MultiSigPayment extends SmartContract {
// Addresses of the 3 recipients.
readonly addresses: FixedArray<Addr, 3>

constructor(addresses: FixedArray<Addr, 3>) {
this.addresses = addresses

public unlock(
signatures: FixedArray<Sig, 3>,
publicKeys: FixedArray<PubKey, 3>
) {
// Check if the passed public keys belong to the specified addresses.
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
assert(pubKey2Addr(publicKeys[i]) == this.addresses[i], 'address mismatch')
// Validate signatures.
assert(this.checkMultiSig(signatures, publicKeys), 'checkMultiSig failed')


Function buildStateOutput(amount: bigint): ByteString creates an output containing the latest state. It takes an input: the number of satoshis in the output.

class Counter extends SmartContract {
// ...

public incOnChain() {
// ... update state

// construct the new state output
const output: ByteString = this.buildStateOutput(this.ctx.utxo.value)

// ... verify outputs of current tx


Function buildChangeOutput(): ByteString creates a P2PKH change output. It will calculate the change amount (this.changeAmount) automatically, and use the signer's address by default, unless changeAddress field is explicitly set in MethodCallOptions.

class Auction extends SmartContract {

// ...

public bid(bidder: Addr, bid: bigint) {

// Addr

// Auction continues with a higher bidder.
const auctionOutput: ByteString = this.buildStateOutput(bid)

// Refund previous highest bidder.
const refundOutput: ByteString = Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(
let outputs: ByteString = auctionOutput + refundOutput

// Add change output.
outputs += this.buildChangeOutput()

assert(hash256(outputs) == this.ctx.hashOutputs, 'hashOutputs check failed')

Call Auction contract with a custom change address.

const { tx: callTx, atInputIndex } = await
BigInt(balance + 1),
changeAddress: addressNewBidder, // specify the change address of method calling tx explicitly
} as MethodCallOptions<Auction>

this.changeAmount and this.buildChangeOutput can be accessed directly when using the default call tx builder, but if you use use a customized call tx builder, you need to explicitly set the transaction change output in the builder beforehand.

const unsignedTx: bsv.Transaction = new bsv.Transaction()
// add inputs and outputs
// ...
// add change output explicitly
// otherwise you cannot call `this.changeAmount` and `this.buildChangeOutput` in the contract


Function timeLock(locktime: bigint): boolean returns whether the calling transaction has its nLocktime value set to a point past the passed locktime value. This value can either be a UNIX timestamp or a block height. Additionally, it ensures the value of nSequence is set to less than 0xFFFFFFFF.

If we assert the returned value to be true, we have effectively ensured that the public method of our smart contract cannot be successfully invoked until the specified time has passed.

class TimeLock extends SmartContract {

locktime: bigint

// ...

public unlock() {
assert(this.timeLock(this.locktime), 'time lock not yet expired')


This mechanism can be employed solely to ensure that a method can be called after a specific point in time. In contrast, it cannot be employed to ensure that a method is called before a specific point in time.

To learn more about time locks, see the dedicated doc section.


Method insertCodeSeparator(): void inserts an OP_CODESEPARATOR, where it is invoked.

export class CodeSeparator extends SmartContract {

readonly addresses: FixedArray<Addr, 3>;

constructor(addresses: FixedArray<Addr, 3>) {
this.addresses = addresses;

public unlock(sigs: FixedArray<Sig, 3>, pubKeys: FixedArray<PubKey, 3>) {
assert(pubKey2Addr(pubKeys[0]) == this.addresses[0]);
assert(this.checkSig(sigs[0], pubKeys[0]));

assert(pubKey2Addr(pubKeys[1]) == this.addresses[1]);
assert(this.checkSig(sigs[1], pubKeys[1]));

assert(pubKey2Addr(pubKeys[2]) == this.addresses[2]);
assert(this.checkSig(sigs[2], pubKeys[2]));



Function static fromTx(tx: bsv.Transaction, atOutputIndex: number, offchainValues?: Record<string, any>) creates an instance with its state synchronized to a given transaction output, identified by tx the transaction and atOutputIndex the output index. It is needed to create an up-to-date instance of a contract.

// create an instance from a transaction output
const instance = ContractName.fromTx(tx, atOutputIndex)

// we're good here, the `instance` is state synchronized with the on-chain transaction

If the contract contains @prop's of type HashedMap or HashedSet, the values of all these properties at this transaction must be passed in the third argument.

// e.g. the contract has two stateful properties of type `HashedMap` or `HashedSet`
// @prop(true) mySet: HashedSet<bigint>
// @prop() myMap: HashedMap<bigint, bigint>
const instance = ContractName.fromTx(tx, atOutputIndex, {
// pass the values of all these properties at the transaction moment
'mySet': currentSet,
'myMap': currentMap,


Function async buildDeployTransaction(utxos: UTXO[], amount: number, changeAddress?: bsv.Address | string): Promise<bsv.Transaction> creates a tx to deploy the contract. The first parameter utxos represents one or more P2PKH inputs for paying transaction fees. The second parameter amount is the balance of contract output. The last parameter changeAddress is optional and represents a change address. Users override it to cutomize a deployment tx as below.

override async buildDeployTransaction(utxos: UTXO[], amount: number, changeAddress?: bsv.Address | string): Promise<bsv.Transaction> {
const deployTx = new bsv.Transaction()
// add p2pkh inputs for paying tx fees
// add contract output
.addOutput(new bsv.Transaction.Output({
script: this.lockingScript,
satoshis: amount,
// add the change output if passing `changeAddress`
if (changeAddress) {
if (this._provider) {
deployTx.feePerKb(await this.provider.getFeePerKb());

return deployTx;


Function bindTxBuilder(methodName: string, txBuilder: MethodCallTxBuilder<SmartContract>):void binds the customized transaction builder MethodCallTxBuilder, which returns a ContractTransation, to a contract public @method identified by methodName.

* A transaction builder.
* The default transaction builder only supports fixed-format call transactions.
* Some complex contracts require a custom transaction builder to successfully call the contract.
export interface MethodCallTxBuilder<T extends SmartContract> {
(current: T, options: MethodCallOptions<T>, ...args: any): Promise<ContractTransaction>

// bind a customized tx builder for the public method `instance.unlock()`
instance.bindTxBuilder("unlock", (options: MethodCallOptions<T>, ...args: any) => {
// ...

You may visit here to see more details on how to customize tx builder.


When the @methods of multiple contracts is called in a transaction, the transaction builders for each contract collectively construct the ContractTransation. Function static async multiContractCall(partialContractTx: ContractTransaction, signer: Signer): Promise<MultiContractTransaction> signs and broadcasts the final transaction.

const partialContractTx1 = await counter1.methods.incrementOnChain(
multiContractCall: true,
} as MethodCallOptions<Counter>

const partialContractTx2 = await counter2.methods.incrementOnChain(
multiContractCall: true,
partialContractTx: partialContractTx1
} as MethodCallOptions<Counter>

const {tx: callTx, nexts} = await SmartContract.multiContractCall(partialContractTx2, signer)

console.log('Counter contract counter1, counter2 called: ',

Standard Libraries

sCrypt comes with standard libraries that define many commonly used functions.


The Utils library provides a set of commonly used utility functions.

  • static toLEUnsigned(n: bigint, l: bigint): ByteString Convert the signed integer n to an unsigned integer of l bytes, in sign-magnitude little endian format.
Utils.toLEUnsigned(10n, 3n)   // '0a0000'
Utils.toLEUnsigned(-10n, 2n) // '0a00'
  • static fromLEUnsigned(bytes: ByteString): bigint Convert ByteString to unsigned integer.
Utils.fromLEUnsigned(toByteString('0a00'))  // 10n
Utils.fromLEUnsigned(toByteString('8a')) // 138n, actually converts 8a00 to unsigned integer
  • static readVarint(buf: ByteString): ByteString Read a VarInt field from buf.
Utils.readVarint(toByteString('0401020304')) // '01020304'
  • static writeVarint(buf: ByteString): ByteString Convert buf to a VarInt field, including the preceding length.
Utils.writeVarint(toByteString('010203')) // '03010203'
  • static buildOutput(outputScript: ByteString, outputSatoshis: bigint): ByteString Build a transaction output with the specified script and satoshi amount.
const lockingScript = toByteString('01020304')
Utils.buildOutput(lockingScript, 1n) // '01000000000000000401020304'
const address = Addr(toByteString('0011223344556677889900112233445566778899'))
Utils.buildPublicKeyHashScript(address) // '76a914001122334455667788990011223344556677889988ac'
  • static buildPublicKeyHashOutput(pubKeyHash: PubKeyHash, amount: bigint): ByteString Build a P2PKH output from the public key hash.
const address = Addr(toByteString('0011223344556677889900112233445566778899'))
Utils.buildPublicKeyHashOutput(address, 1n) // '01000000000000001976a914001122334455667788990011223344556677889988ac'
  • static buildOpreturnScript(data: ByteString): ByteString Build a data-carrying FALSE OP_RETURN script from data payload.
const data = toByteString('hello world', true)
Utils.buildOpreturnScript(data) // '006a0b68656c6c6f20776f726c64'


HashedMap provides a map/hashtable-like data structure. It is different to use HashedMap in on-chain and off-chain context.


The main difference between HashedMap and other data types we’ve previously introduced is that it does NOT store raw data (i.e., keys and values) in the contract on the blockchain. It stores their hashed values instead, to minimize on-chain storage, which is expensive.

These guidelines must be followed when using HashedMap in a contract @method, i.e., on-chain context.

  • Only the following methods can be called.

    • set(key: K, val: V): HashedMap: Adds a new element with a specified key and value. If an element with the same key already exists, the element will be updated.
    • canGet(key: K, val: V): boolean: Returns true if the specified key and value pair exists, otherwise returns false.
    • has(key: K): boolean: Returns true if the specified key exists, otherwise returns false.
    • delete(key: K): boolean: Returns true if a key exists and has been removed, otherwise returns false.
    • clear(): void: Remove all key and value pairs.
    • size: number: Returns the number of elements.

get() is not listed, since the value itself is not stored and thus must be passed in and verified using canGet().

  • The aforementioned methods can only be used in public @methods, NOT in non-public @methods, including constructors.

  • HashedMap can be used as an @prop, either stateful or not:

@prop() map: HashedMap<KeyType, ValueType>; // valid
@prop(true) map: HashedMap<KeyType, ValueType> // also valid
  • It CANNOT be used as a @method parameter, regardless of public or not:
@method public unlock(map: HashedMap<KeyType, ValueType>) // invalid as a parameter type
@method foo(map: HashedMap<KeyType, ValueType>) // invalid as a parameter type
  • No nesting is allowed currently. That is, key and value cannot contain a HashedMap.
type Map1 = HashedMap<KeyType1, ValueType1>
HashedMap<KeyType2, Map1> // invalid
HashedMap<Map1, ValueType2> // invalid

type KeyType = {
key1: KeyType1
key2: KeyType2
HashedMap<KeyType, ValueType> // valid

A full example may look like this:

class MyContract extends SmartContract {
myMap: HashedMap<bigint, bigint>;

// HashedMap can be a parameter in constructor
constructor(map: HashedMap<bigint, bigint>) {
// assignment is ok, but not calling method
this.myMap = map;

public unlock(key: bigint, val: bigint) {
this.myMap.set(key, val);
assert(this.myMap.canGet(key, val));


HashedMap acts just like the JavaScript/TypeScript Map when used in off-chain code (that is, not in a contract's @method). For example, you can create an instance like this:

// create an empty map
let hashedMap = new HashedMap<bigint, ByteString>();

// create from (key,value) pairs
let hashedMap1 = new HashedMap([['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']]);

Also, you can call its functions like this:

hashedMap.set(key, value);
const v = hashedMap.get(key); // <----

get() can be called since the HashedMap stores the original key and value off chain.

Only when the key is an object is HashedMap different from Map. HashedMap will treat two keys the same if they have the same values, while Map will only if they reference the same object. For instance:

interface ST {
a: bigint;

let map = new Map<ST, bigint>();
map.set({a: 1n}, 1n);
map.set({a: 1n}, 2n);
console.log(map.size); // output ‘2’ cause two keys {a: 1n} reference differently
console.log(map.get({a: 1n})); // output ‘undefined’

let hashedMap = new HashedMap<ST, bigint>();
hashedMap.set({a: 1n}, 1n);
hashedMap.set({a: 1n}, 2n);
console.log(hashedMap.size); // output ‘1’
console.log(hashedMap.get({a: 1n})); // output ‘2n’


HashedSet library provides a set-like data structure. It can be regarded as a special HashedMap where a value is the same with its key and is thus omitted. Values are hashed before being stored in contracts on the blockchain, as in HashedMap.


When used in public @methods, HashedSet also has almost all of the same restrictions as HashedMap. Except for the methods on its own whitelist that can be called in @methods as following:

  • add(value: T): HashedSet: Inserts a new element with a specified value in to a set, if there isn't an element with the same value already in the set.

  • has(value: T): boolean: Returns true if an element with the specified value exists in the set, otherwise returns false.

  • delete(value: T): boolean: Returns true if an element in the Set existed and has been removed, or false if the element does not exist.

  • clear(): void: Delete all entries of the set.

  • size: number: Returns the size of set, i.e. the number of the entries it contains.


HashedSet can be used the same as a JavaScript Set in off-chain code .

let hashedSet = new HashedSet<bigint>()

Similar to HashedMap, HashedSet will treat two objects as identical if their values equal, rather than requiring that they reference to the same object.

interface ST {
a: bigint;

let set = new Set<ST>();
set.add({a: 1n});
set.add({a: 1n});
console.log(set.size); // output ‘2’
console.log(set.has({a: 1n})); // output ‘false’

let hashedSet = new HashedSet<ST, bigint>();
hashedSet.add({a: 1n});
hashedSet.add({a: 1n});
console.log(hashedSet.size); // output ‘1’
console.log(hashedSet.has({a: 1n})); // output ‘true’


Constants defines some commonly used constant values.

class Constants {
// number of string to denote input sequence
static readonly InputSeqLen: bigint = BigInt(4);
// number of string to denote output value
static readonly OutputValueLen: bigint = BigInt(8);
// number of string to denote a public key (compressed)
static readonly PubKeyLen: bigint = BigInt(33);
// number of string to denote a public key hash
static readonly PubKeyHashLen: bigint = BigInt(20);
// number of string to denote a tx id
static readonly TxIdLen: bigint = BigInt(32);
// number of string to denote a outpoint
static readonly OutpointLen: bigint = BigInt(36);

Standard Contracts

The following popular smart contracts come with sCrypt, so users do not have to write from scratch as we did before.

They compile to the same Bitcoin Script as in a standard transaction, created using raw Script.

You can use them like any other user-defined smart contracts, as below.

import { P2PKH } from 'scrypt-ts'

const privateKey = bsv.PrivateKey.fromRandom(bsv.Networks.testnet)
const publicKey = privateKey.toPublicKey()
const pubKey = PubKey(toHex(publicKey))
// create an P2PKH instance
const instance = new P2PKH(pubKey2Addr(pubKey))
// connect the contract instance to a signer
await instance.connect(getDefaultSigner(privateKey))
// deploy the contract
await instance.deploy()
// call the P2PKH contract
await instance.methods.unlock(
(sigResps) => findSig(sigResps, publicKey),
pubKeyOrAddrToSign: publicKey,
} as MethodCallOptions<P2PKH>