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How to integrate with a front-end

This section will show how to integrate your smart contract to a front-end, so users can interact with it. We assume that you already have the basic knowledge of front-end development, so we will not spend much time introducing this part of the code, but mostly be focusing on how to interact with the smart contract in the front-end project.

Create a project

Create your front-end project using React, Next, Vue, Angular, or Svelte.


Run the following command to create a React project named helloworld.

npx create-react-app helloworld --template typescript

We will do most work under the src directory.


Run the following command to create a Next.js project.

npx create-next-app helloworld --typescript --use-npm



Run the following command to create a Vue 3.x project bundled with Vite.

npm create vue@3

If you'd like to use Vue 2.x, run the following command to initialize the project scaffold.

npm create vue@2


Run the following command to create a Vue project bundled with Webpack.

npx @vue/cli create helloworld

Vue 3.x and 2.x bundled with Webpack are both supported.

When setting up the project, select Manually select features and enable TypeScript.


Run the following command to create an Angular project.

npx @angular/cli new helloworld


Run the following command to create a Svelte project.

npm create svelte@latest helloworld


Currently, we support front-end frameworks React, Next.js, Vue, Angular, and Svelte. We anticipate to add support for other frameworks over time.

Install the sCrypt CLI

Run the init command of the CLI to add sCrypt support in your project.

cd helloworld
npx scrypt-cli init

This command installs the dependencies and configures the contract development environment. After this, we are ready to go!

Load the Contract

Before interacting with a smart contract at the front-end, we need to load the contract class in two steps.

We'll take a look at how to generate the artifact by ourselves first.

1. Compile Contract

Before you start, you need to get the contract source files, as a front-end developer.

Let's use the Helloworld contract as an example. Copy and paste helloworld.ts into the src/contracts directory.

Run the following command to compile the contract.

npx scrypt-cli compile

After the compilation, you will get an JSON artifact file at artifacts/helloworld.json.

2. Load Artifact

Now with the contract artifact file, you directly load it in the index.tsx file.

import { Helloworld } from './contracts/helloworld';
import artifact from '../artifacts/helloworld.json';

Now you can create an instance from the contract class as before.

const message = toByteString('hello world', true)
const instance = new Helloworld(sha256(message))

You cannot simply call Helloworld.compile() at the front-end, since it only works in NodeJS, not in browser.

Integrate Wallet

You will integrate Yours Wallet, a browser extension wallet, similar to MetaMask, into the project.


You can refer to this guide to add support for other wallets.

To request access to the wallet, you can use its requestAuth method.

const provider = new DefaultProvider({
network: bsv.Networks.testnet

const signer = new PandaSigner(provider);

// request authentication
const { isAuthenticated, error } = await signer.requestAuth();
if (!isAuthenticated) {
// something went wrong, throw an Error with `error` message
throw new Error(error);

// authenticated
// you can show user's default address
const userAddress = await signer.getDefaultAddress();
// ...

Now you can connect the wallet to the contract instance as before.

await instance.connect(signer);

Afterwards, you can interact with the contract from the front-end by calling its method as usual.

This repo contains a counter example, integrated with all supported frameworks.

Go to the sCrypt Academy to see a step-by-step guide on how to build a Tic-Tac-Toe game on chain.