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Call Multiple Contracts in a Single Tx

Up to now, we have only shown how to call one smart contract in a transaction. That is, only one input of the tx spends a smart contract UTXO, and the other inputs, if any, spend Pay-to-Public-Key-Hash (P2PKH) UTXOs, which are generally NOT regarded as smart contracts.

There are cases where it is desirable to spend multiple smart contract UTXOs in different inputs of a tx.

The main differences from calling a single contract are:

  1. Set multiContractCall = true in MethodCallOptions
  2. Each call may only return a partial/incomplete transaction, instead of a complete transaction
  3. A partial tx has to be passed as ContractTransaction in MethodCallOptions in subsequent calls
  4. Finally invoke SmartContract.multiContractCall(partialContractTx: ContractTransaction, signer: Signer) to sign and broadcast the complete transaction

The following is an example code of calling two contracts at the same time:

import { Counter } from '../../src/contracts/counter'
import { getDefaultSigner } from '../utils/helper'
import { HashPuzzle } from '../../src/contracts/hashPuzzle'

async function main() {
await Counter.loadArtifact()
await HashPuzzle.loadArtifact()

const signer = getDefaultSigner()
let counter = new Counter(1n)

// connect to a signer
await counter.connect(signer)

// contract deployment
const deployTx = await counter.deploy(1)
console.log('Counter contract deployed: ',

current: Counter,
options: MethodCallOptions<Counter>,
...args: any
): Promise<ContractTransaction> => {
// create the next instance from the current
const nextInstance =
// apply updates on the next instance locally

const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
new bsv.Transaction.Output({
script: nextInstance.lockingScript,
satoshis: current.balance,

return Promise.resolve({
tx: tx,
atInputIndex: 0,
nexts: [
instance: nextInstance,
balance: current.balance,
atOutputIndex: 0,

const plainText = 'abc'
const byteString = toByteString(plainText, true)
const sha256Data = sha256(byteString)

const hashPuzzle = new HashPuzzle(sha256Data)

// connect to a signer
await hashPuzzle.connect(signer)

const deployTx1 = await hashPuzzle.deploy(1)
console.log('HashPuzzle contract deployed: ',

current: HashPuzzle,
options: MethodCallOptions<HashPuzzle>,
...args: any
): Promise<ContractTransaction> => {
if (options.partialContractTx) {
const unSignedTx = options.partialContractTx.tx

if (options.changeAddress) {

return Promise.resolve({
tx: unSignedTx,
atInputIndex: 1,
nexts: [],

throw new Error('no partialContractTx found')

const partialTx = await counter.methods.incrementOnChain({
multiContractCall: true,
} as MethodCallOptions<Counter>)

const finalTx = await hashPuzzle.methods.unlock(
multiContractCall: true,
partialContractTx: partialTx,
changeAddress: await signer.getDefaultAddress()
} as MethodCallOptions<HashPuzzle>

const { tx: callTx, nexts } = await SmartContract.multiContractCall(

console.log('Counter, HashPuzzle contract `unlock` called: ',

// hashPuzzle has terminated, but counter can still be called
counter = nexts[0].instance

await main()

  • You must bind a transaction builder to each contract instance, since the default only spends a single contract UTXO.
  • If the called contracts need signatures from different private keys to be called, the signer passed to multiContractCall must have all private keys.